I promise!

Promise me that you will live
I will live for you
If you think you are gonna leave
I will go with you

There is something afterall:
You are me, I'm you.
I'll just say: "With all my soul,
Baby, I love you!!!"

If you want to hear a song
I will sing for you
Please, believe you are not alone
I am still with you

If it seems to be too hard,
I will cry with you
You'll just laugh it out loud -
I will smile with you

If you want it or you don't
I will think of you
'Cause the only thing I want
Is to be with you

No one ever understands
Me the way you do
We are more than just good friends
I believe... Do you?

While I have you I will breathe
Not without you.
Promise me that you will live
I will live for you.
