
Все рызьмы составлены в соавторстве с Биллом М.

Стихи.ру не признаёт диакритических знаков (accent aigu, grave и т.д.)

Bartok – Bar talk; buttock

Respighi – rest piggy

Ticklish – tick on a leash

Plenitude – в плену

Marcello Nastroenia (Mastroianni) – Marcello of the Moods

Georges Busy (Bizet)

Zug – penis (Hebrew)
King Zog (Albanian)
Zug Heil (Sieg Heil)
Zug Zwang (chess)

Printemps – print times – Le sacrе du print tempts

Barbudos (the bearded ones, Castro’s followers) – барбосы

Moлиться – go to the mall

Pigaboo to caribou

He has a good (r)ear for music

Titoyer (tutoyer) – touch each other’s tits

Jewography, jewology

R(ear) muffs

Pot-roast-ok – подросток

Mensa/womensa/immense – an immensa womensa

Cornivore – corn eater

Нежный – снежный – neigenyi (fr. Neige)

Kapli Place (Copley)
