
Все рызьмы составлены в соавторстве с Биллом М.

Стихи.ру не признаёт диакритических знаков (accent aigu, grave и т.д.)

Pantokrator – someone who rules by the pants

Mammogram – a telegram from your mother

Sensuous censure – Monica Lewinski beating Clinton with a feather boa

Paki bashing – violence against elephants (pakiderm)

If you lose your credit card, call your cardiologist

Add shock (ad hoc) committee

Nipples of Naples

Carrion (carry on) luggage

Fishing:  perching, floundering, etc.

Soul on ice, sole on rice – is very nice

Entrapment – joining trappist monks

Condotieri – inhabitants of condos

Смутное время – smut time
Oн смутился – he turned smutty

Смуглый – smuggler

Летучий – lettuce

Плотник – plotter

The Nibble Piss Prize (the Noble Peace Prize)

Nibbility (nobility)

Je dеteste – jeu des testes

Eltsin – Elton John

Смелый – smelly
