

Murka is a short name from Marie, usually for a cat (like Pussy in
English). "Mali'na" is a  den of criminals,  (criminal term, literally -
raspberry"). “Masli'na" is a criminal term for a bullet (literally - black
olive berry). "Zashuhari'la" - criminal term for " to point out."


Hallo, my Murka, Murka very dear,
Hi, my dear Murka and good-bye.
You "zashuhari'la"
Our "mali'na"
Please, receive "masli'na", beauty mine.

Just was I going, going to my business,
I've met two my comrades on my way:
"..We've catched dear Murka
In a little square,
Now she is resting night and day."

Murka, very dear
How could it happen?
Whether were you, dear, badly dressed?
Soft and fashioned booty,
A coat very beauty
All was purchased good and all the best.

You were very witty,
Swift and very pretty,
I fulfilled then every your caprice.
What was the reason
Make you your treason,
And become an agent of police?

Hi, my dear Murka, Murka dear, dear...
Hi, my loving Murka and by-by.
You've made your treason
It is only reason,
It is badly reason me to cry.



Владка   23.02.2005 11:46     Заявить о нарушении
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