…and the hole of light gashes through the firmament dark,
As someone trying to find you with the light faint. Night.
Natures mockery, so to speak. It lets you rest before life
Kicks in your doors open with a more vivid utensil, the sun. 
Day. Despite all happiness earned you crawl back to causes,
Wanting that dimmed beam come sooner, closing your eyes,
Waiting for revelations, guidance? It all comes to yes and no,
At the end. Then, the entire existence looses its meaning.
…let be blessed those, who know what to say and when.   

Очень красивое сочетание сложноподчиненных предложений с абсолютно простыми. Такое ощущение-- идешь по жизни и вдруг ступенька--одна- вверх "yes", вторая- вниз "no".....

Цветная   02.06.2005 15:23     Заявить о нарушении
Thank you! It might sound odd, but I do learn more about my ‘ems through the comments left by others rather than inquiries made by self. :)


Fern   02.06.2005 18:35   Заявить о нарушении
Do you spek german? I sow you have read me in german..

Цветная   03.06.2005 13:19   Заявить о нарушении