The Feline Fell

When death started swaying
The funeral bell
I went to horizon
To find Feline Fell
And when depredations
Enveloped the dell
I went on my way to the Feline Fell.

I came across death signs
In gutter and cell.
No one of the murdered
Wore Felone Fell.
My sandals got worn up
My wits got to hell.
I got used to playing games with
Feline Fell.
A day showed its
Sunrise in
Grayish pell-mell.
A cripple proposed me
To get Feline Fell.
The hope for ascention intending to sell
He killed me for
I was the Feline Fell.

Oh..It's so sad:(

Эве   21.06.2004 20:47     Заявить о нарушении
Young ladies tend to compose sad poetry. It is just a set of rhymes. Take it easy:))))))))

Шин Фейн   27.06.2004 00:10   Заявить о нарушении