The stamp of sadness

The stamp of sadness on your face, the sign of sadness
Remained the moments, when you used
To be alone, to be abused,
When the acquaintances’ ignorance raised your madness,
When love and rain just passed you by,
Your world was broken in your cry,
And kissed your hopes and dreams goodbye with stamp of sadness.
The splinters of the past in soul… The sense’s splinters
Are buried somewhere deep inside,
You couldn’t pull away, but tried,
The melancholy fits froze you like winters.
You dreamed and saw in fragile dreams,
That you sought safety in teams
Of reasons to forget…It seems, pain sees and listens.
The cynicism of useless men. The useless cynic
Looks from your eyes till sunrise comes,
You understood, the death loves us,
And life is nonsense diagrams, the psycho clinic.
You need no one to help in death,
The God exists to feel depressed,
The link between is just professed. Don’t try to leave it.
The curse of grief is on your lips, oh, curst occasion!!
You changed desire, made it fear.
Indifference – you made it clear.
You are deceased,  don’t blame me near: don’t shame salvation!!
You were reflection of the light,
You faked to be completely bright,
Run from me fast, don’t stay beside imagination.
I wrote these lines for you to read: my clocks were silent.
I’ll add the will of adamant
To the expenses, which dement.
I was in time to notice pain was violent.
I meet serenity and rest
When I unfortunately confessed,
And make you feel this words expressed YOUR sadness’ diamond.

??? :)))
"ДАёшь "Пе4ать пе4али" на всех яZыках, пусть иностранцы му4аются!" ;)

Омега   15.06.2004 09:11   Заявить о нарушении