May be...

You disbelieve yourself, you disbelieve to him.
You can't understand that's going on within.
And you can't remember, what's for started that game,
Only heart is your thrumping, and you life as in hades.
You have closed your eyes for your parents and friends
And you can't distinguish realty from rest.
You are trying to choose what's your way to proceed,
But your eyes full of tears, and you can't even see.
You start crying at night, when you hear his song,
But you can't catch on that was doing wrong.
May be you are not right? How make him excused?
But it's every clear: you were easily used!
And the answers you know, for questions you ask:
You can readily guess: he just doesn't love!

Now drpping your tears and the photo is kissed
From tonight you not live, you aare only exist
And the worst thing it is, that you are alone.
There is no more choice: but to fight by your own...

Лен!!!Да это ж (почти прообраз) моей "маршрутки"!!:)))
Ты права, это не только грустно выглядит, но еще и комично!
С ув.ЛенКа

Лена Воробей   10.06.2004 19:14     Заявить о нарушении
Ленчик, спасибки:))

Комично так, что аж грустно:)

с симпатией, Лена

Noangel   11.06.2004 12:42   Заявить о нарушении
I'm not Lena... I'm Dana

Данелия   16.06.2004 11:31   Заявить о нарушении
So what, Dana?

Noangel   17.06.2004 17:03   Заявить о нарушении
Это просто глюк, не обращай внимания! Мы уже привыкли!

с ув. Лена

Noangel   19.06.2004 13:43   Заявить о нарушении