Прогулки по воде -

There's Apostol Andrey, he is fishing from pier,
And the Savior walkes on the waves.
And Apostol was looking for fish over there,
And the Savior - bodies to bear.

Then Andrey cried out: "What is all that about?
There's a secret, oh, Savior, I bet!"
But the Savior said "Just calm down, Andrey,
There is no special secret to that...

Look up on the heel - there is monted a cross
Under there's dozen solders...
Go and hang on that cross.
And if you get bored,
You could come back again...
And walk on the waves,
And walk on the waves,
And walk on the waves
With me..."

Great and charming, what can i say
Really impressive and talelike

Incubus   31.10.2004 20:33     Заявить о нарушении
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