
Все рызьмы составлены в соавторстве с Биллом М.

Ebola Gay (Enola…)

Les rasеs – les croisеs
les creusеs – the creased ones

Infantry – an army of underage (infant) soldiers

Zhou en Lai – Jew in lie

I am aFreud I don’t understand

Senderella – an Italian mail woman

Kрепкий – crap key

Pastoral – постирал

Pigale – Pig Square

Vitamin(e) – Vita mine

Femme fatale – a fat lady

Silicon – silly cone

Любимая – bulimia

Despeakable acts

Despicable – to get rid of the spics

Pizzeria – puzzoria (“puzzo”:  It. for “stinky”) – pazzeria (“pazzo”:  It. for “crazy” – puzorrhea (from Russ. “пузо” (“belly”) and (dia)rrhea)

Imbeachment – imbitchment

Impeachment – to stuff with peaches

Menteuse – female mentor

Mendacity – capacity for mending things
