Do you

The crowling shadow of pain
Did get me
Cold drops of night rain
Did caught me

The past reminds me of you
Do you remember me, too?

Did you ever see me crying?
No, how could you...
Do you know I'm dying?
No, how can you...

So sad... You know.. For a person who's native language is Russian you've wrote nice poem in English. And "The crowling shadow of pain" it's really good line. Thnx.

Твой Ласковый И Нежный Зверь   17.05.2004 00:12     Заявить о нарушении
I thank you very very much for your this words! I have problems with writing in english and i am glad that uou liked my small poem.

Thank you

Химика   17.05.2004 01:09   Заявить о нарушении