
Все рызьмы составлены в соавторстве с Биллом М.

Finnishing school
Finn de siecle


She was impaled on his throbbing Mannheim


Jeanne d’Arc la Prepucelle

Impeachment:  turn someone into a peach

Appeasement:  turn someone into a pea

The first viorst (“верста”) is the worst

(Не) toils in oils

The Polite buro

Пьяный:  piano bar

Chris Dahl (crystal) palace

Apology:  the study of apes

Hunderkind – a puppy of genius

Cache (“hide” – Fr.) a lot

“Catholic” can’t be parochial

Avvakum – O’vacuum – an Irish vacuum cleaner

Бритый:  a Britisher; Brit mila – circumcision of a Brit; Милая mela – nice apple

Important – exportant

Al(man)ac – al(woman)ac

Grateful дед

Etching – itching
