
“Издали – издАли -- “из Дали”   

Тверский – Дверский – Зверский – Дерзкий

“Чуять”:  chew at

La vie en rose:  To see everything through woes-colored glasses
Contro versy:  against poetasters

«Сливки»:  sleaves

Pfizziology – the science of making carbonated drinks

Scream saver

Qu’ranteеned – Being forcibly read Qu’ran

Рыбёнок – little fish

Paella поела

Kook book – crazy book

Tiny:  “тайный советник”


Спать -- “spat” –  zu spaet

Impotent – a man without a patent

Blessure (“wound” – Fr.) – blessing

Car-men – automechanics

Ingenus: (engineers) of human souls
