I Will Definitely Seduce Jana

I [A conversation in the park with some stranger]

I had a look where you were pointing.

Yeah, right:

Above bare branches

The pale celestial body

Waxes with reflected light.

Indeed it’s there.

Now, why this unholy delight,

This heathen admiration?

You are a Christian,

Unless I am mistaken. ;-)

Oh yeah, I am a poet and must be romantic by definition.

Flowers, birdies, bla-bla-bla.

Sorry, I’m not taken

By them.

Sorry, woman,

I can’t croon

Over some tree

And the moon


Of course, there’s NO love

In my or anybody’s heart!

Hearts are merely blood-pumps.

Nobody needs love.

Either here nor there,

Love’s never been.

Forget what I’ve just said,

It’s only spleen,

Although I feel fine.

Love is dead,

Long Live Love!

II [I will definitely seduce Jana]

Later re-reading,

Neither flowers nor heavens

Can give ignition

To my creativity.

In overeager expectation

I’m thinking how my hot lips will pull away

The thin veil of modesty and chastity.

Object if you wish to our hearts desire,

Like a famished vampire

I’ll suck on your neck

Making you moan and your knees go weak,

And then your hungry lips will seek

Mine and find golden honey,

I’ll caress your





Let necrophiles wax sentimental

Over deathly-pale Selene.*

My dream is creamy-white marvel |

- Jana

I will definitely seduce her this Thursday.

Professional ethics may go to hell.

*Selene - the goddess of the moon (Greek mythology)
