
Drops of sadness, no more light.
“I was wrong” means “You were right”.
Wet blue eyes are open now
Searching for the One in crowd.

Going through the rain, she cried,
And her sorrows flash the night.
Calling, calling, once again:
But the answer was “In vain…”

Cold embrace of water hurts,
Push the back and meanly dirks.
Dire plight of soul in rain
Is to here blind “In vain”…

Wind is terrible outside.
We were wrong, nobody’s right.
Dears in last are future’s fears…
Is it rain or is it tears??

Сю...я,что - то не понял...это он,что сейчас не по русски
спросил?(из пародий на Черномырдина)

Гладышев   02.05.2004 22:52     Заявить о нарушении
=) Zа реценzию благодарю. Жаль не написали подробнее, понравилось или нет, но внимание всегДА приятно:)

С уваЖЖением, ВаШШа

Омега   02.05.2004 23:30   Заявить о нарушении