Dear God

I'm writing this letter not sure in gratitude or in anger
I'm left all alone in my room and soon it'll be always like that
I'm forsaken in this city of no angels. I'm a stranger.
And I'm looking for something, but it only makes me fall flat.

What you want, dear God?
Still can't get what your deepest ideas about
Think of me? Think I'm enjoying to be left to just rot?
You are probably right, dear Lord,
And I probably like to be down and out
You know best, you do best, you're just building my lot.

Do I love you? Do I feel Holy Spirit around me?
Do I ever have doubts in your mighty support?
I believe in you no matter the fact I am proud
I am loving you even watching my life being caught.

Mysterious the ways of the Lord are, we learn it.
If only I could recognize here the truth.
So many whys whats and hows
So less of choice and so much to lose. 
