Ode to the Great Poet

Brilliant rhythm
Is the rapist’s rope,
Supreme rhyme
Is the executioner’s instrument,
Eloquent and fervent,
You’re foam of flaming phrases
Genius of verses, you turn us into crazies,
You pass sentences
Honed and polished
Striking images are unleashed,
Soon your task stands accomplished
– We are finished, we are ruined
With our minds mashed
We rise
To your voice,
We rise
Lashed by your voice
Suggestive, persuasive, pervasive,
Active, informative and instructive,
Coaxing, penetrating and murdering,
Destructive and Reconstructive,
I feel I am a captive
Of the voice
Telling and encouraging,
Lashed captives we rise....

...Where was I?
What was I saying?
You’re the flame of the torch
You’re the star in the night
By your light
We rise and march forward
Towards the Bright Perfect Future
In the perfect Rhythm,
In the perfect Unity,
We march forward, we thrust forward,
We fight foes,
Their orphans cry,
We try and slay traitors,
And we slay saboteurs,
We destroy defamers,
We correct slackers,
We reform loafers,
We construct, we erect
– All in the perfect Rhythm,
In the perfect Unity
For the Bright, Perfect Future
Lead by our dear Leaders
Who see far beyond horizons,
Шагайте Товарищи!
Marschieren Genossen!
March Free Citizens!
Flags are fanning,
Torches are burning,
Hearts are throbbing,
Hearts are racing
Along with the tireless music
Tirelessly, tirelessly, tirelessly
Parts are turning perfectly
Without screeching
We are turning perfectly
In the Great Machine
That is
Roaring, Rolling, Crushing
January 10, 2004

You can sing the first part, just drop "Is the" in the fourth line. The second part is better recited than sung. That's my opinion, I couldn't find any good melody to the second part.
That's about poetry&propaganda in general.
My greetings to Scrutineer.

Ринат Магсумов   15.04.2004 02:35     Заявить о нарушении