Nobody Loves Me

(Dedicated to my friend who is a very successful professional)

Am I just being crazy
On this bleak day?
My structured life got mazy
And I'm lost
My structured life got mazy
I'm suffering an empty day
I'm suffering a free day

I badly need a diversion
I'd better shop in boutiques
Dine out with chic
Eat chocolates till I'm sick
Rent a porn
And hope I'll forget the thorn
Stuck in my side

I'd better get outside
But the day's bleak
Will myself outside
Get in motion
To crowds, to commotion
To the Old Town Square
Into that human ocean
Where I'll imagine
Somebody loves me

But it's such a bleak day
And I've got feet of clay
Soft, unbaked clay
It's pointless
Nobody loves me
