A comp room
Is a funny place
To write and dream. 

Hemmed in by blinking screens,
I hover between two worlds: 
A guest in both, at home in none. 

One day I may
Computerize poetry. 
I will create comp poetry. 

Compоterie?  -- A pot of compote,
With pentagrams and quattros,
All floating in sweet syrope…

Or did I say “composterie”? 
Strange bulbous poems
Scattered without rhyme or reason

In a warm, smelly compost,
Like mushrooms, redolent
Of earth and moss…

No, better comp pottery
That, when shattered,
Will send shards and splinters

Of rhymes and rhythms
In awkward pentameter
All over the comp room…

Or should I poeticize in Cobol? 
Write poems in beautiful stanzas: 
“If love not equal moonlight

And candle-light dinner for two
Perform Statement 1000
Comment line:  “If not satisfied,
Request a refund…” 

And then, in my august old age,
White-haired and distinguished,
I will be telling young poets

Listening to me in rapt attention,
“Those were the good old days
When we still poeticized in English…”

anyhow what I wanted to say was a big Hallo to the fellow poetry machine. Comp pottery is what I liked most, when splinters of meanings flow out as naturally as when you poeticize in approved standard poetic discourse (TM)

and if the site screwes it this time, I quit posting remarks :)))

Coscus   24.10.2004 22:31     Заявить о нарушении
Many thanks,

I was pleasantly surprised that someone -- anyone -- was reading my "output." Speaking of comp. pottery, it implies "компот" and "компост". But I am sure you noted that.

Андрей Белл   29.10.2004 23:08   Заявить о нарушении
sure i did, i just liked the idea when pottery and compost coexist. dust to dust, they say, clay to clay, i will add :))

Coscus   30.10.2004 21:20   Заявить о нарушении
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