
***Day of Women, The Holiday of Spring !!! (Part 2.)

A business suite, hard work and no rest –
Some women like that – could stop your breath.

A thousand things women do sometimes –
Kids, cooking and cleaning seems all their lives.

But this isn’t true. Their meaning - love.
They do everything to create it at home.

A wind of true care and star-sparkling eyes –
These are the Women surrounding us.

Please let me express my sincerely thoughts,
And deep appreciation, and happy Congrats!

8 Марта 2004 - к сотрудницам и всем женщинам


Smiling and laughing are good for the start.
Day could be dark. People – not smart.
Just smile at them nicely, and open your heart.
Just throw them your happiness like shiny dart.
Whole world would then change in a heartbeat’s part
Day ISN’T dark and people ARE smart.

24 Ноября 2003 - if you're smiling inside out by now, then I succeeded. ;)


Sore throat, chest pain and almost no voice.
Staying at home today is my choice.
Theraflu is yucky. Halls is better, but helps less.
There is no perfection in this world I guess.
Hardest part of life is to sacrifice myself
For the sake of others, their life and bless

7 Ноября 2003 - I am sick but not dead.
P.S. Тут мне подсказали, что не все понимают.
Theraflu - средство от простуды, разводят с кипятком, пьют как чай.
Halls - конфеты от кашля, с ингаляционным эффектом (не путать с галлюциногенным). ;))

***The End Or The New Beginning.

The World apparently was dead,
All Universe collapsed in one extremely moment.
And even time had stopped. Like bullet in the head,
You passed me by and left my world destroyed.

06 Октября 2002 – весна в молодости вспомнилась

***I Think Of YOU!

As I watch the snow
Gently falling down,
I think of how much
I wish you were around.

But since for now
That is not meant to be,
I'll be content
With your memory.

I watch each day
For your e-mail,
And it brings a smile
To my day without fail.

I can't wait for the day
When we speak face to face,
No one in this world
Could take your place!

Thinking Of You, My Friend!

2002 – не мое, но красиво, черт побери...

***The Day of Women - Holiday of Spring !!! (Part 1.)

I wish you to be beautiful and young.
I wish you always to be happy and attractive.
I wish you to be nice and smart.
I wish you to be wonderful, proactive.

You - moms and sisters, daughters and wives,
You're warming up men’s souls like the flowers.
I thank you for your being and for your smiles.
I wish you tearless life within the sea of flowers!!!

8 Марта 2002 - к сотрудницам и всем женщинам


I'm not a gold and can't be stolen.
I'm not a bird and can't be caged.
I can't be sprayed, I'm not a pollen.
I'm not a gum and can't be stretched.

For those, who want to be a thief,
A jailer, chewer or predator,
I want to tell: "You are deprived
To feel no love and have no life,
To be that hurt and that much suffer."

2002 – то, что понял (something that I understood)

***Lullaby for my son

My Dream came true like a morning dawn.
Just smile for me, my son, my son.
My hope, my wish, my sweetest heart!
Your face's as bright as morning star.

Your eyes like a sky, your lips like a rose.
You're little God, my blood, my soul.

I'll teach you how to claim the sky.
I'll teach you how to walk and fly.
I'll teach you how to ride and dive.
I only want to see your smile.

My hope, my wish, my morning dawn
You're my whole life, my son, my son.

12 Июня 2001 – колыбельная для моего сына
