The dream

(Перевод текста песни из репертуара Ю.Антонова «Не забывай»)

If  you have lost your lovely girl,
You can do now everything,
But don’t  tell and show,
That you are dull and sad.
New meeting is a real way
To get rid of your solitude.
But your past lucks and failures
Never, my friend, forget.
Sometimes your dreams come true,
But often all they fail,
The first love comes to you
In different ways.
But days of joys and lucks
Stay in your memory.
And all your brave dreams are
This happy days.
If once some girl will speak to you
About her accidental love,
If you’ll be able belive her,
Spit on your grief, be glad.
Your heart will be warmed by her love,
You’ll find merited happiness,
But your past lucks and failures
Never, my friend, forget.
Sometimes your dreams come true,
But often all they fail,
The first love comes to you
In different ways.
But days of joys and lucks
Stay in your memory.
And all your brave dreams are
This happy days.

г. Новочебоксарск, январь 1983 г.
