Way to Calvary перевод текста песни на английский

His forgotten way to Calvary bitterly I watch
Following His footsteps on the path He went there

Suffering instead of me but still loving me so much
There he showed me love that lead me out of nowhere

On the cross He was on Calvary between two rogues
Crucified, humiliated thirsty Prince of Peace

Giving all his blood to me and fading like a rose
But in His holy blood my salvation I got

He was dying and that I will never forget:
"Elohim, Elohim, lama sabaktani!:

Oh, my God! Oh my God why did You leave me?
Please, forgive them Holy Father
They don't know what do...
Take my Spirit into Your hands
I give it now to You... I give it to You"

Up the mountain to the Calvary you should go one day
To observe the battle for your heart and soul

There your sin, your debt, your nakedness were taken far away
By the Christ for all of us He took it all
