The music

This music is my music no matter what others say
My music is fight music, yes, sometimes it drives me insane
This music is straight music full of hatred, fear and pain
But this music is frank music, closer to life in a way
This music's abusing this music's obscene
Whatever you hear in it this is sin
Music of dirty street criminal kids
I guess if I like it, it must affect my deeds
By now I should hate all the world to a certain degree
'cause music produces anger. Well, I agree
Music should teach you to live in a fairy-world
My music just shows that the world is a little bit off
But what if we try to look from the other side
This music is loud, disturbing and tight
No graceful tune or some elegant rhyme
Every line only rhymes with the word "crime"
Every verse is another sedition, call to affray,
This music is not to the like of people who pray
Well, I pray every day to be strong, not to quit
I don't believe the music averts me from it
I don't really think God will send me to hell for hearing shit,
'cause shit's just a word and I hear it sometimes on the street
My music is foul music thwarting your every hope
My music is rough music, but it lets me balance on a tight rope
It makes me feel for whom they toll the bell
You're surviving with Heaven, so what? I just do it better with hell
