Sighs of inspiration

Wafts of hesitation
Are not getting lined up.
Sighs of inspiration,
Sorry, so short-minded.

Flash of expectation,
Snow of low whisper.
Deep in nook in conscious
Shadows dancing swifter.

Trues will not be either
Keys to an enigma,
Into soft sweat dreamer
Turn myself furtively.

Clumsy styled verses,
Minor joy got timid,
Gone with gloomy blackness,-
Probably, should be it.

Want to get my breathings,
Are they here or were there,
Anything feels missing,
Get to know it whether.

Оригинал тут.

Спасибо Toffee за вдохновение :)

Tsp   09.02.2004 17:50     Заявить о нарушении