
No, hope won’t live here anymore…
Believe your choice, the last selection.
There is no beauty to adore,
And wasted time gives us objection.
The heaven casts a lurid light
Upon the twilight of my morrow.
How many things I can’t decide!
And so much luck is left to borrow…
I have the mumps, the mopes so deep -
I’m writing lyrics by my senses.
Sometimes I’m weak, sometimes I weep,
But I have faith. And it defenses.
This problem does defy solution:
To live with faith and have no hope!
I do not wait for absolution –
But live for it. No way, I mope.
My love was burnt to dust and ashes,
I’m fool, but still believe in love!
Your stupid words hurt me as lashes,
But my resistance will be tough!
The last selection to be hopeless,
The promise to become moonstruck…
I crave for comprehension, what is
The link between dismay and luck.
My mind is moribund. But feelings
Are so alive – so hard to die!
Your sick behavior gives the willies;
And  I don’t need the reasons why.
So what is hope, when you are empty?
And what is hope, when you don’t care?
I didn’t think, that you are petty.
My eyes were shut – they had to stare!!
Well, I’ve decided my selection,
But It won’t be the farewell song.
Our wasted time can give correction,
Redemption, failing my life long…
