
Won't somebody explain me please,
Why doesn't he want to tell me this?
And every time when I start to miss,
I wanna meet him, hold and kiss...

And he makes a view he doesn't understand,
I said "I love you", he took away his hand.
"Don't say it again," - that's what I was told.
I can't understand, why is he so cold...

I wrote to him that I was alone,
I hate to miss him on my own.
And only when I came to my home,
He sent the message to my phone.

He wrote, oh, he wrote, that love is a bore,
Though so much I hoped, I thought he loved me more.
I said, that "I see, it's hard to understand,
If you, you don't feel, if you don't feel the same".

And now I'm sitting near the wall
And waiting - maybe he will call.
He didn't call, and left the hole,
A very large hole in my soul...

And he makes a view he doesn't understand,
I said "I love you", he took away his hand.
"Don't say it again," - that's what I was told.
I can't understand, why is he so cold...
