Bride of the rain. Невеста дождя

When it was time for me to flow
When it was time for me to dive
When it was time for the wind to blow
I opened my heart and was no more alive

When it was time for love to flower
When it was time for heart to thrive
When it was time for my ghostly lover
I broke my heart and was no more alive

I overcame my inner struggle
I never lost my outer game
I had a chance my care to double
But I was caught in a sudden Rain

It took away my lucid illusion
It carried off my sparkling tears
Nothing was left – no scary delusion
It only whispered – “you’re mine for years”

Now it is time for sadness to flower
Now it is time for a laugh to hide
No time is left for my ghostly lover
As I’m now Rain’s gorgeous bride
