The thickest fly

I am the thickest fly in the world.
I ve got the darckest soul of all.
I m flying like an airplane against the window.
There's no more pleasant to do at all -
Just sitting in the corner,
  Between the ceiling and the wall,
And watching you from my hight,
  And laughing about how you are trying
    To catch me all the time.

Yes, I'm a flying fly.
Don't ask me why I fly.
I myself don't know why.
I simply fly, I fly...

I am the fattest fly in the world.
I ve got the dirtiest soul of all.
I m flying like an airplane against the window.
There's no more important work at all -
Just flying in the room
  From one to the other wall,
And watching you from my hight,
  And laughing about how you are trying
    To catch me all the time.

Yes, I'm a flying fly.
Don't ask me why I fly.
I myself don't know why.
I simply fly, I fly...


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