People say yuleic reflections
Eyes shut. For they don’t have to look to know, they saw it all.
In fact, they knew it even before they were begotten. Were they?
People say different things about how the world got to own them.
They say, one of them even can fly. Of course! They all can!
For they know all. Wouldn’t you want to know all? Be praised?
Asked for miracles? Crucified. Yep, people say, one of them was.
By people. He birthed himself mortal, they say. That’s what people do.
They say things. I want to take the weight off my feet. Shoulders?
And mute myself to men’s right. People say, left side is impossible.
People scream loud, and ask for things there. That’s what people do.
They ask for things. One is really old, and one is in his early thirties.
Everthirties. People say. Sometimes I smile, when I hear people say,
That one of them is a bird. Talk to me parrot! It’s the only bird,
To my knowledge, that knows something, and can talk. People say,
It is three of them. They call them names. Some even can hear them.
Talking back. I thought I did once. Yep. That’s what people do.
They think. They think that this three know it all. To and fro, so to say.
Sometimes, people think, this three think for them. Sometimes,
People think for this three, thinking it is this three who just thought.
I like the concept of thought. It’s akin to this two men and a talking bird.
And the oldest was prior to all, people say, everbroughtabout.
Prior your star or mine. Prior to himself. I still wanna listen to them.
For they know all people say, and it’s kinda makes you curious to know,
What you already don’t.
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