Taste of moon

Gold misty piece of the Moon over a house
Smells so sweet as only heaven smells…
Everything, dreams everywhere, and Santa Claus
Gives the honey to the animals…

Thee, Who’s given Piece of Melon, being so kind,
Makes a Gift for every fellow – but I couldn’t mind –
That not a piece of Golden Moon
But all starlight  - in full -
I’ll have as soon as recognize: THE WORLD IS MINE!

Taste of Moon ‘s at the lips after dreams…
You would know The Mystery Streams…
You will know your Place, as you know the glance
Of The Dream, that ‘s transforming your Face…

Who wouldn’t agree with Him, trusting silly teacher?
Who is blind and deaf, and cannot feel?
I will trust, I will feel Love to any creature
I will ever try to climb The Hill…

Thee, Who’s slicing Golden Melon, would you like to know,
What The Choice we’ve made for heaven – would we Live or no?
Our Souls will answer Thee, My Lord!
We choose the only sort of sight,
What could we only choose –
The Only GOD!

Taste of Moon ‘s at the lips after dreams…
You would know The Mystery Streams…
You will know your Place, as you know the glance
Of The Dream, that ‘s transforming your Face…

Taste of Moon…

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