Pussy cat children s song

(Hush a mouse! Hush a mouse! -
Pussy Cat is near your house...)

Cat was looking for a mice
Just before he 've seen sunrise.
Arched the back, scrow up his eyes
Started watching tasty, nice -
-------- Cheesy slice!Cheesy slice!

Hop! He've heard a slightest noise -
Little mouse stickes out it's nose,
Peepping with it's tiny voice,
Knowing - as if there was
-------- Pussy Cat!Pussy Cat!

Yes! And mouse - slips away
No mice would take this way!
Go out, Pussy Cat!
You must know better, that
-------------You are lost!You are lost!

No mice... Cat gets the chair
He would sleep till morning there
Dame will give a lot of milk,
Cimb his hair, like gentle silk,
----------Waking up! Waking up...

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