Teddy bear children s song

Teddy Bear! Poor Alberto!
Go out of your shelter!
I do know - you are there -
Don't you love me, nasty bear?
There, in dark and dusty corner
You became alike a dog,
That was sleeping near the goner,
After battle with hedgehog...
---------after battle with hedgehog!

I was crying as a faucet,
I was looking everywhere
I was asking every gossip,
But they could not tell me  - where...
Where were you, my Teddy Bear,
Where could I find my doll -
Which I love and wanna care,
Whom I wish to grow tall...
----------whom I wish to grow tall!

Be as strong as lion, my Teddy!
I will give you all my food!
Till the very Day of Wedding
You will give me lovely mood
Please, remind me Fairy Stories
That I've told you every night,
Keep away my naughty worries,
Let's asleep to watch my flight,
---------let's asleep to watch my flight!

Please, sit still, remaining silence -
I shall clean and comb your hair...
Suffer pain, reserve your violence -
Be as calm as fearfull hare!
Do remind me Fairy Stories
That I've told you every night,
Keep away all naughty worries,
Let's asleep to watch my flight...
---------let's asleep to watch my flight!

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