We need peace song

When I think of reality it's not real
But we see what we believe in
We believe in what we see
So it is real.....

Give me peace,give me peace....

Time, don't be so slow,dont't be so fast.
I chose the road-it has no past.
And when I look back,there is just a hole.
Shining through me,shining through us all.....

We need peace, we need peace....

I travelled long, far and wide
I saw places, which are not on the map.
I can tell stories and they are just fine,(yes, fine stories)
But I'm coming back to the roads,I'm going back....

Give me peace, give me peace.....

Sun is bright, sky is blue
I'm so happy-you are too.
We are young, forever young...(forever, yeah)
We are here,but we can be anywhere....

So....let us peace,let us peace
Give us peace,peace....
We need peace, we need peace
'Cause we are hippies we need peace^)
