
Being in Love for the first time...
Loving something that you never had before.
When you hesitate at every step
When you do not know these new feelings
Because you're scared shitless.
Is like letting out a person onto freedom of the world
After being locked up for 20 years.

Sometimes... you put on a song within yourself, that no one knows.
It will be your version of "Con te Patrio".
An Italian lady, by her own sea
At sundown... sings, because she hopes...

I hope... to survive with my love.
I hope... my love will dream.
I hope... I'll see me love soon, when I cross the border.
Put my arms around her... do i dare to let go?
NO... because the Pacific is as blue
As the air feeds me to reach you.

Dim sigaret beseduet, panemaiya menya.
Solntse ne-greet menya... tol'ka dushit
Sinii gubi, na-litse boroda.

All I can hope, hope for the night to come sooner.
I will lay down and dream of my hope... of the Metro.
That tightness of squeezing your hand.
Catching a landing snowflake onto your eyes.
Ulibku... rumyanie shyoki.

Umenya po-vishaet'sya pul's...

"Dorogie pasajiri, pre-vihode, po-jaluista ne-zabivaite svai veshi.
Dveri zakrivaiut'sya.
Sledushaiya stantsiya... 'Vihino'."

That is the sound that I soon "hope" to hear...
With love by my side... only love, and not fear...
