Loving something that you never had before.
When you hesitate at every step
When you do not know these new feelings
Because you're scared shitless.
Is like letting out a person onto freedom of the world
After being locked up for 20 years.
Sometimes... you put on a song within yourself, that no one knows.
It will be your version of "Con te Patrio".
An Italian lady, by her own sea
At sundown... sings, because she hopes...
I hope... to survive with my love.
I hope... my love will dream.
I hope... I'll see me love soon, when I cross the border.
Put my arms around her... do i dare to let go?
NO... because the Pacific is as blue
As the air feeds me to reach you.
Dim sigaret beseduet, panemaiya menya.
Solntse ne-greet menya... tol'ka dushit
Sinii gubi, na-litse boroda.
All I can hope, hope for the night to come sooner.
I will lay down and dream of my hope... of the Metro.
That tightness of squeezing your hand.
Catching a landing snowflake onto your eyes.
Ulibku... rumyanie shyoki.
Umenya po-vishaet'sya pul's...
"Dorogie pasajiri, pre-vihode, po-jaluista ne-zabivaite svai veshi.
Dveri zakrivaiut'sya.
Sledushaiya stantsiya... 'Vihino'."
That is the sound that I soon "hope" to hear...
With love by my side... only love, and not fear...
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