Простым языком из Иакова, лжи чурающегося Френсис Брет Гарт
Простым языком из Иакова, лжи чурающегося
Столовая гора, 1870
Я заметил, итак, -
Будут речи ясны,-
Все дороги во мрак
И уловки тщетны,
А китайцы - народ богоизбранный.
Это должен я вам объяснить.
А Цин звали его;
Не хочу отрицать,
Это имя могло
Кое-что означать,
Улыбаясь печально и искренно,
Он захаживал к Биллу Най.
Август, третье число;
И теплы небеса;
Тут нашла, как на зло,
На А Цина коса;
Он со мною играл и с Уильямом,
Я его презирал за глаза.
Только начали кон,
И А Цин с нами сел:
То был юкер. В него
Он играть не умел;
Но сидел за столом с улыбкою,
И, похоже, совсем очумел.
Не успел заглянуть
В карты - схлынул угар,
Я готов присягнуть,
Что у Ная рукав
Был тузами набит и козырем,
Чтоб оставить нас в дураках.
Развернулась игра
Под китайца на квит,
И помеченный крап
Был ужасен на вид,-
Под конец тот кладет козырного вальта,
Что был мною давно отбит.
Я на Билла взглянул,
Замешательство скрыть;
Он зарделся, вздохнул,
Молвил, "Может ли быть?
Мы Китай развалили в два счета",-
И язычника принялся бить.
В жуткой сцене потом
Я в сторонке сидел,
Как осенним листом
Пол усыпан, белел
У А Цина отобранной картою,
В ту игру "он играть не умел".
В рукавах на подбор
Двадцать с чем-то колод,-
Это был перебор,
Не подумайте: врёт;
Под ногтями из желтого воска
Обнаружили мы налёт.
Я заметил, итак,
Будут речи ясны,
Все дороги во мрак
И уловки тщетны,
А китайцы - народ богоизбранный, -
Наблюдению нет цены.
Francis Bret Harte
Table Mountain, 1870
Which I wish to remark,--
And my language is plain,--
That for ways that are dark
And for tricks that are vain,
The heathen Chinee is peculiar.
Which the same I would rise to explain.
Ah Sin was his name;
And I shall not deny
In regard to the same
What that name might imply,
But his smile it was pensive and childlike,
As I frequent remarked to Bill Nye.
It was August the third;
And quite soft was the skies;
Which it might be inferred
That Ah Sin was likewise;
Yet he played it that day upon William
And me in a way I despise.
Which we had a small game,
And Ah Sin took a hand:
It was Euchre. The same
He did not understand;
But he smiled as he sat by the table,
With the smile that was childlike and bland.
Yet the cards they were stocked
In a way that I grieve,
And my feelings were shocked
At the state of Nye's sleeve;
Which was stuffed full of aces and bowers,
And the same with intent to deceive.
But the hands that were played
By that heathen Chinee,
And the points that he made,
Were quite frightful to see,--
Till at last he put down a right bower,
Which the same Nye had dealt unto me.
Then I looked up at Nye,
And he gazed upon me;
And he rose with a sigh,
And said, "Can this be?"
We are ruined by Chinese cheap labor,"--
And he went for that heathen Chinee.
In the scene that ensued
I did not take a hand,
But the floor it was strewed
Like the leaves on the strand
With the cards that Ah Sin had been hiding,
In the game "he did not understand."
In his sleeves, which were long,
He had twenty-four packs,--
Which was coming it strong,
Yet I state but the facts;
And we found on his nails, which were taper,
What is frequent in tapers,--that's wax.
Which is why I remark,
And my language is plain,
That for ways that are dark,
And for tricks that are vain,
The heathen Chinee is peculiar,--
Which the same I am free to maintain.
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