Незнакомка моих очарованных снов
Мне не сложно признать безысходность мечты.
Я молюсь, чтобы как-нибудь, в жизни иной,
От меня навсегда бы избавилась ты.
Я не вижу себя изменяющим мир,
Я не склонен бороться с причудой Творца,
И из книги судЕб лист, затертый до дыр,
Я не вырву. Нет, я не разрушу дворца
Восхищенья, поэзии, музыки, грез,
Воплощенных неведомым чудом в тебе.
И, глотая комочки подавленных слез,
Я смиряюсь. Да, я доверяюсь судьбе.
Но рождающим песни причудливым снам
Я - хозяин, я - бог, и простишь ли ты мне,
Я отборный янтарь к твоим стройным ногам
Расбросаю дорожкой, бегущей к луне.
Расбросаю - и выйду навстречу судьбе.
Что мне стыд, что мне тлен? Я и сам был такой.
Ну а если я что-то напомнил тебе -
Уж прости. Не хотел нарушать твой покой.
Свидетельство о публикации №103103100704
“Neznakomka moix ocharovannix snov…”- it’s almost sacred…
PS I hope you don't mind English. I wish I had a Russian keyboard. But yor "Unknown calls" poem made it clear that you speak English.
Янки 06.12.2003 03:19 Заявить о нарушении
By the way, where are you leaving in US? I am doing some consultancy for the US clients and have some friends in US. So I can send you with occasion Russian stickers for keyboard.
Thank you once more. I wish you good luck.
I am sorry, but I too busy now and had no chance yet to read your poems. I sincerely wish to do this.
Lawyer 15.12.2003 21:31 Заявить о нарушении
Modesty is known to be a virtue and I really appreciate it. But God forbid you stop writing poems. “Average” is an objective concept when we refer to well recognized poets and their pieces. “It’s all in the eyes of the beholder” is a more appropriate way to look at it. I love your pieces because “they ring my bell”. To be perfectly honest I admire their form just as much as the contents. My point of view on the poetry period is expressed in “Thank You Poets”. Here’s the link:
I have no doubts that you are a talented lawyer and I’m fascinated with the diversity of the fields you are good at. I actually work for a big law firm, doing occasional translating jobs here and there. Unfortunately this area has a very limited number of Russian immigrants and the firm does not have a lot of business with the Russians. I’m a member of the city board, called “World Trade Society”, where I’m in charge of Eastern European relations, particularly Russia. It’s a fairly new project and there’s a long way to go, but once it all comes together there’s going to be a lot of work. I don’t know why I’m writing to you about this, but since you do business with the American clients this could be a part of your future market. I’d rather communicate with you on the poetry level than business, but you were kind enough to offer some help (keyboard stickers) to a complete stranger and I feel like offering sth in return. As for the stickers, I’d appreciate them, but it’s not worth for you to go into all that trouble sending them from Russia. I’ll order them here online. Thank you very much, though. Excuse my English, by the way. I hate to write in Russian in Latinized format.
PS I’ll e-mail you the info you requested shortly.
Yours truly, Yankee.
Янки 16.12.2003 22:23 Заявить о нарушении