Thursday night knocking...
Cheering beakers crowd sent. Talking.
Tones soft getting louder. Tones
Shaded getting brighter. Good night
Thursday. - Night-night gentlemen.
- Up for drinks? - Chatter sweet?
- Have it all, all on me. Girl by
The table near, closer, come closer.
In lieu of halfs second, spare a minute.
- Talk to me for I am tired of it. Want.
Want to listen and glancesteel your
Sweet mouth flavor. Talk. Cheer me.
Can’t stay up late. Promises never kept.
Ten past two past midnight. Morning.
Alarm brainbleeds. Girl, where are you?
Friday, dine light, drinkfast in advance
Glasses full. Tempters within. Night.
Out. Tryst. No. Go places. Bachelorets
Find a neckline candy. Eat it for as long
As you can, before the wedder comes.
Those eyes, defile looks, horny stirs.
It is not my last night out, it’s theirs.
Why Saturday morning aches can be foretold?
Aches. Ladies talking like sluts. Sluts
Lady-like dressed. What can be worst
Then a drunk woman lawyer. Night.
Friday night. Twirled in tipsy. Dance.
Dance? – You are quite a dancer!
Mutely, no, just trying to keep on my feet.
Silence happy. Reminiscence sucked in.
Roads lost. Home by six. Good morning.
Friends, forget never. Nine-thirty questions.
Phone blessed, phone cursed, phone angered.
Night with bullies ahead. Why bullies like
Everything a la mode? Observer scared.
Well primed from the nights before. No fear.
Shakespeare. Van Gogh. Mightily priced
On top bar shelf. Girllaid hands tired.
Friends lost. Home. Challenging stupidity.
Angels sweetly murmuring on the right.
Left louder. - Get of that shoulder! - Stop
Talking, you! - No, you do it to yourself!
Changing lights, passing cars. People.
Solitary drive home. Nice bed dive. Phone
Off. Morning SunDay. Senses calling.
- Next time you want to talk to me, leave your card.
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