Blind date on stihi. ru
Десятый месяц. Число девять.
Словами чувства не измерить…
Цветы, кровать, вино, котлета,-
Ты обещаешь мне все это?
Хмелящий эль и чай в постель…
Мечтами я жила досель,
Души несмелые терзанья
Я превращала в карусель.
То, как бурлящий я поток,-
Сумбурный нрав, характер, слог…
То - все еще бегу по кругу-
Сама себя догнать хочу.
Как хочеться поверить другу -
Себе поверить не могу.
Не знаю та ли я иль эта,
Стихи которой посвятил:
Воображение поэта
Не то, чтобы реальный мир.
Ты ждешь прекрасную Богиню,
А я проста и лик мой прост.
Хотя "изюминка" в улыбке
И "вертиться еще мой хвост".
Десятый месяц, число девять…
Словами чувства не измерить…
Но, может быть, придет пора
Узнать, где ТЫ и кто же Я...
9 октября 2002г.
Инна Френк
Свидетельство о публикации №103101200313
Read TINA on and was curious if this was part of it or continuation )
Couldn't leave a comment as I'm not registered there.
Interesting piece, to say the least and really well written. Great job describing scenery and places. I know Bronx pretty well and my initial assumption was that TINA was being taken to the City Island strip (by Orchard Beach), where all the best seafood restaurants are... )
I've never gone on a blind date, so my worries went hand-in-hand with your LG.
I had mixed emotions while reading about TINA's experience on this blind date...but (disgust) was overpowering throughout. TINA is a "good sport!" Not every woman would be able to contain herself and maintain a sense of humor in response to such a date. Not opening the door for her, as they met, turned me off completely, right from the get go.
TINA ne tol'ko s "izuminkoy" ...ona mudraya zhenshina, with strong character, great intuition and self worth.
Clearly an experience and although a negative one, one can still extrapolate lessons learned...
And I always thought that blind dates must be so much fun...! )
Симона Пекер 31.05.2014 21:48 Заявить о нарушении
It was a very pleasant surprise. I am glad you are interested in reading my stories and poems and I’m happy it has affected you in such an emotional way. That is the main goal of any author, you know. -)))
The story about Tina was written from real life and every single word there is true. Blind date is really some sort of a risk. Before the meeting you both chatting online and you read his jokes and he seems to you like a “know-it-all” guy. You are talking over the phone and you fall for his silky voice, full of compliments and promises.
Finally comes the Day. You meet eyes to eyes and suddenly the sun turns blue. WOW! You feel stupid, lost and disappointed.
You can trust me, Simona! These things do not happen all the time. The story about Tina feels more like an investigation story and, thank God, isn't something very common.
Sometimes your date is much better than you even dreamed. Some blind dates are truly fun, full of joy, laughs and warmth. You talk a lot, laugh and kiss. You feel so attracted to each other... It partly makes you open up for passion right away. This is just a great start to an amazing romance. Some blind dates are very impressive. They can bring you towards a great LOVE. Some aren’t.In other words: who wants to meet their soul mate, at least has to try different ways, including blind dates. This is life and nobody knows what can or cannot be...
P.S. By the way, men face same problems and same feelings as well.
Искренне благодарю тебя за внимание к нашей семье. Я очень рада нашему знакомству. Желаю тебя Счастья, Здоровья и Благополучия во всем и всегда!!! Perhaps we should meet one day for a cup of coffee. :-)))
Inna F. 03.06.2014 06:09 Заявить о нарушении
I'm reading your reply and's like I hear Slava and you, jointly, responding...unreal. You have such an incredible relationship, such closeness and understanding and I truly admire how you support one another, in every possible way, to ensure that each one is happy. God Bless You! I have a similar relationship with my children and my boys, but they are still under 20 )
Do hope it lasts... ))
No need to thank me for the attention towards your poetic pieces. I am merely a reflection of what I see and what I get. So, if you are feeling my warmth, it's simply a reflection of what I've been receiving from you... )
I wouldn't be surprised if our paths meet. It's a small world we live in... )
Bud'te blagopoluchni vo vsem i vezde, moi xoroshie, dobrie chelovechki!
Симона Пекер 04.06.2014 04:36 Заявить о нарушении
Healthy, happy and (zis) year to you and to the whole family!
Симона Пекер 25.09.2014 03:25 Заявить о нарушении