Fight For Dreams

This night has thrown away
My Dreams I built  today
It’s not the first time, I don’t know what to do
To save my Dreams from the night
I tried to switch the light on
But she was always faster
And I saw every night my broken Dreams
Dreams broken by the night
Why should I live in fear of night?
What must I do to win this fight?
Frozen and chilled I lie on the ground
I cannot find the key I’m just going around
I go around
If I would know where lies
My hate with broken arms
I’d find the way to help her heal the arms
And let her help me
But now I stand on chair
My head is in the noose
And when I’ll die all broken Dreams
Will become fulfilled
Why must I die to win this fight?
To loose my life it is to kill the night
Frozen and chilled above the ground
The key was in the noose that looks like a round
That looks like a round

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