The price

Wait! Look! There is no shadow, dear!
It has been melting since we're here
As our fear of being judged by those
Who envy you and me. Because
We do not hide from the severe view
Your love to me, my love to you...
We stand on shadow we produce
And, thus, the public we obuse.
The sun stands high. It dazzles my eyes.
We don't disguise that love's a prize!

But what will bring for us decay?
The other shadow of the day.
And darkness leads to lie and care
Of which we can't help beign aware.
The day is long. One half's behind.
The rest of it's approach of night.
And if you hurt what your heart feels
Keeping in mind the truth that kills,
It is much better silent be.
So we could pay the lesser fee.

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