Little door

When the season of forgiveness comes
And away the summer wind blows my fault,
Yes, I know, my darling, we’ll be the ones
Of the chosen going through the right door.

Sacred place I’ve been so long looking for
When I wandered in the dark in my dreams
Knowing there had to be a little door
And behind that door my happiness lived.

Couldn’t find it and I cried in despair
And I felt that I was loosing my hope
Though I knew for sure that door was there
Holding to the very end of the rope.

Of all losses in the world I’d regret
I had lost my precious hope in the dark.
Of all blessings in the world I could get
I was grateful to the heavens for love,

Love that made me understand: all was well
Bringing back the hope and faith to my heart
Where these three blessed gifts stayed to dwell
Saving broken heart from falling apart.

Now I know that I need patience to wait
For the time to go through that little door,
It will come to me and I’ll find the way
To the sacred place I’ve been looking for...
