Stellar Successor

Stellar Successor
Of eternal disgrace,
In the sinful extension
Of human race.

"Tap, tap, tap" - jingles the xylophone,
Ticking, ticking the clocks,
He is sitting alone.

The head's spinning round,
Gloom is coming inside,
Body's going to ground,
Spirit's flying outside.

Nobody found him in his atlas froak-coat,
With a blue-coloured fountain running out of the throat.
Nobody saw him standing on window-sill,
Nobody knew that is wasn't his will.
Nobody found him bleeding under the sink,
Nobody knew it was the corpse of the king

Stellar Successor,
Oh, for what were you made,
Fired by unknown agressor,
Did you foreknow your fate?

When you were living,
You knew one thing well:
You just have to die
And you'll be burning in hell

But sometimes you thought:
If there is paradise,
You just have to die
And your spirit will rise

Nobody saw you kissing the holy cross,
Drawing red pentagramms outside of your doors,
Nobody saw you renouncing from God,
Nobody knew that you want to give up

Stellar Successor,
What the purpose you had,
Your supreme agressor,
God saw you dead!

Stellar Successor,
Since you've been touched by the ray
What you have done for sixteen years and a day?

New-Age Messiah,
On the cloud now you sit,
World was a lier
And you had it to beat!..
