Mother s sorrows

Dismay driven dreams. Mother dies on the second.
Second later, comes second, akin to March, ids of it.
Et tu, filiuse. With daggers of misbehavior, spoke
My hands. Born to die at a mindset. Sons set forward.
Daughters too. Do the same. Fortunate parents live
long enough to see the children of their grandchildren.
Second-kin elations. Even Gods upset their mothers.
Filling them with tears and moan, prayers at times.
Children. What a smile can do to you. Innocent.
Destined to evil, see, touch, become? Were Hitler’s
Parents blessed to see him mature? Make your
Mother happy, subsist her willst and such. Parent
Proud. World conscientious. Relative attached.
And when the time comes, what difference,
will mothers’ sorrows make?
