A Man of Integrity. Чистый человек

He broke the rules. That’s all I know.
He gave the light. That’s all I saw.
But he was keeping back his sorrow
And day-by-day he suffered more.

Crisscrossed the lands. I figured out.
Succeeded oftentimes. Himself.
But he was wandering around
In search for smooth and smolder shelve.

“Gave all I had,” - That’s all he answered.
“What for, My Lord?” – that was my thought.
He left his jacket still unfastened
And told me all the truth I sought.

“I came from lands where kindness’ blooming
I lived the best life on the Earth.
And all I knew was not so gloomy
As all I learnt with evil’s birth.

I had to leave my native shelter
To seek where happiness still grows
Was up in heaven, down in center
Where heat will melt the hardest snows.

I wish I never bore my child
I wish I were not born myself
I never thought the way was mild
But I will never find my shelve.”

We live. The world is complicated.
We breathe. We’re given lots of good.
We all become sophisticated.
We all are brought a daily food

You, Man, you sought for what you needed.
You gave your life you’ll have reward.
But never please become too greedy
And you’ll have time to say your word.

You broke the rules. That’s all I know.
You gave the light. That’s all I saw.
But please stop keeping back your sorrow
And you’ll not suffer any more.

Crisscrossed the lands. I figured out.
Succeeded oftentimes. Yourself.
You may stop wandering around
I’ll give you smooth and smolder shelve.

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