I look into your eyes...

I look into your eyes and cannot stop
Cause I ain't gonna loose myself again
Just after moment I've found me in them.
I haven't thought that there is a top,

A top of feelings like an end of road.
I haven't known how might it look at all.
I promise I won't let the avalanche fall
By keeping silence and looking at snow.

It seems I've looked for you through those dark days.
Without you I passed the clouds and sky,
Survived the last night though I don't know why...
I'm happy now to stare in your face.

And I have much more words to talk to you
Not only all these sentences I wrote.
From now I hope I'll never make you go
I mean I'll hardly ever want you to.

I look into your eyes and cannot stop.
I'm not aware of what is going on.
It's easily when my thoughts are gone,
Still stay inspired, not wishing to drop.

How can you ask: "Who cares about this?"
Just look at all these people turning pages,
You know they'll keep on doing that for ages
And hoping to watch thing they should be with.

27/28.07.2003 - thank you for being you

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