These are the rays you wanted to be wrapped in...

To my dearest beloved man

These are the rays you wanted to be wrapped in
These are the leaves you wanted to hear rustle
Where someone is the best of thieves
The world is yours, and get -
 It was you wanted - simple wonder.

Yuna 1997 year.
это как пророчество моему дорогому человеку, которого я в 1997 г пока не знала..........
Юна 2008.

do you mind if I offer a critical comment or two?

-- "wanted" is not right, a direct russicism; better: "wished"

-- loveliest? the word does not mean "one you love most", it means the one you find cutest... perhaps "most beloved" is what you had meant?

best wishes

Clittary Hilton   24.07.2003 17:52     Заявить о нарушении
Thank you for your comment.I was silent because I am a newcomer to this site and could not respond.
The comment is the Americans praised it and not very badly.
About other:"want" is really brutal expression and while writing I can not feel tenderly, I just pour my emotions onto the paper..
What about russicism- I am not afraid of it, halfly because I am not only Russian -so many bloods wash me from inside, besides, I write not only in English and any author carries with him his own style and feature..
Anyhow, thanks a lot.
Wish to you success in your activities

Юна Шапатава   07.08.2003 17:14   Заявить о нарушении