Thoughts of an old village

Sometimes, when I am all alone
I want to leave this temple of my own
And walk on the road
Which I saw in my dream
'Till the ancient village
Where I've never been

Village is raped and burnt down.
There are signs of batlle,
But I don't hear a sound.

It's a cursed place,
Where evil spirit dwells.
Through the mist
I see the wizard casting spells.

Mayhaps ages ago
This place was lovely and fair,
But now all this
Fairness has disappeared.

From the rotten houses
I hear voices cry,
And I realize what
It's an echo of time.

Through boughs and leaves and stone on ground
I feel a presence of evil, a silent sound.
From where comes this evil air
Pressing the warning of danger?

And when I try to open my closed eyes
I don't feel my hands, there is no place to hide.
Am I trapped in a dream or it's no dream at all?
Ancient village now will possess my soul

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