Still Life

A shiny Fly walks slowly on a smooth top of an upside-down CD. It stops three-forth to the center to bask in a ray of Sun, which picks though half-opened Blinds. It reflects onto Posters of Rock Stars showing a palpable Glow in their Eyes. Their dark Clothes swallow the Light giving an abrupt end to its attempt to lighten up the World.
The Fly decides to explore the giant Room in which Everything is moving with a sudden gash of Wind. It stops as suddenly as it begins, as the Door quickly clothes. Before the Fly can start to explore, a Giant Creature inters the room. Its Nostrils effuse gashes of tamed wind, making otherwise still Air -- unstable. The Creature moves toward the heavy Table, which moans under the Mess of Junk. The Mess is very proud of himself. It is the oldest thing in the Room. The Room cannot remember itself without it.
The Fly is very curious of the Creature. It has never seen one quite so close. The Creature senses the closeness of the Fly, and waves it away. It doesn’t like Flies, however it likes the Music. It turns on the Stereo, and the Music enters the Room. It flies around vigorously trying to compete with the Nostrils of the Creature in making waves in the air. Apparently, this makes the Creature angry as it starts jump around and wave its Hands around. Strange Sounds come out of Creature’s Mouth, and the Glow appears in its eyes.
The Fly doesn’t like the commotion in the Room. It decides to leave, and flies toward the Window, which served as an Entrance for the Fly. However, there is an Invisible Wall in a place of The Entrance. The Fly buzzes around for a while as it looks at the World. After the Fly realizes the Failure of its attempt to leave the Room, it decides to wait until the Creature and the Music is gone.
The Spider doesn’t like the Music. It doesn’t like the Creature. It is happy with a still Air in the Room. The Spider is hungry. It is happy to see the Fly, which flies into the Web. Slowly the Fly realizes the End, but it is not afraid of the Spider. It is happy to escape the Creature and the Music. The End finally gives Rest to the Fly.

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