Internet Love affair

I love you,” said some e-mail Romeo
But send me money just for the ticket
We must all share, what’s the matter?
So don’t say no or tell me to “stick it”

But if it is so, then say farewell
I will soon have to go and I will leave you
So don’t think I’ll spend my cash
I’ll not do that, I’ll try to deceive you

If you love me then please share
Give me the shirt from off your back
And that way you’ll never forget me
show me how your love won’t lack

Ok, then dispatch ten dollars
Send it by way of western Union
for the taxi and you’ll soon see
our love will be a hot communion

Poor Juliet who has send this money
now waiting in vain for Romeo’s plane
But could she wait and wait forever
How could she know he was playing a game.

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