Let me die

When you close to me like now baby
I can’t think about anything but you.
If you look at me you’ll see it maybe.
Wonder, if you feel the same way too.

If you do just let me know it,
Make the wings and teach me fly.
I will fly all over the planet...
If you don’t – just let me die.

What is life without your tender,
Your gentle look and velvet voice?
Without you I’m just pretender
Playing love with other boys.

Look at me! What are you doing?
You’d killed my future, present and the past.
Anyway my life will rack and ruin,
So kill me, tell the truth at last!


Cool, I like that. I also have something similar but not so deplorable. Wanna see it? Welcome, I would like to see Your opinion....


Hellga   15.03.2004 16:37     Заявить о нарушении
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